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Personally I found comples tasks that need additional documentation (e.g. deep technical analisys) and attaching that document to a specific ticket, in SOME CASES could be very useful to mantain coherent and linked each topic and stuff
Any news about this topic?
Please, can you give me some other details about this feature? I tried to enter code but nothing seems changed....
Could be very useful especially for customers (less expert in writing tickets following specific guidelines)
I agree. It is very useful to visually quickly recognize both status and severity. Solution proposed by Shashi could be ok for me too.
I asked something very similar to this few time ago... :-)
I'm have this same problem too. I write new Bugs and my collegaues does not receive notifications anymore.
Yes, but tags are like "filters" or, in other words, a way to dinamically reduce number of bugs listed on the fly.
At next login, everything return to its original look.

I would like something more evident, different tables highlights presence of 10 Major bugs, 5 minor and 2 trivial ones... instead of "tags" that show only one type of tickets each time.
me too in last 2 days....