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Yes, I see that is possible to "archive" entire projects, but I did not understand if this means "hide" them or "delete them". Anyway is not possible with tickets.
I think that hide closed tickets in dedicated area will be the best solution. More in general, working on a ticket is a transition between many status in time, Some sort of "logical flow" that categorize, group and show "cronological passages" of hundresd tickets present in a project, should be very useful :-)
This is a feature present in the old "bug tracking" that I used in last year, very useful. Surely you know it: "http://www.collabtive.o-dyn.de/". That software has some limits but laso some good idea, in my opinion, "merging" ideas from two sources will results in a very professional bug tracker! :-)
For example:
* What are different privileges between different roles?
* How to change user picture?
* How to make another user "Account manager" in addition to me?