Ваші коментарі

Thanks, it runs now. I'll test it and give you feedback! :-)

I don't know why but it return me an unexpected error in a top-right red tooltip and looking for repositories continue undefinetely. I tried also from another PC in a totally another network (to avoid possible firewall problems or others) and the problem still persist. In addition, it seems impossible to set others BitBucket credentials because also from second PC, credentials were already saved even if not possible to see repositories.

Desktop notification as in other solutions such as Slack!

Hi Tech, any news about this integration? I would like to know not only "when" this could be available, but I'm very courios about "how" this integration could run, and what could allow.
I hope that many users could be interested in this feature and upvote inorder to push its development
Hi tech,
Any news about this topic? So bi-directional data flows from/to Slack? :-)
I suggest to be able to sort them by drag&drop. While tickets could be hundreds and an automatic sort order by such criteria is more convenient, projects generally are 5-10 or 30 but is hard that this number could be greater. In this case is common that a user would like to group some of them (at least visually, but having possibility to have also sub-projects could be perfect) and/or have on top projects that were created in the past and would be aphabetically ath the bottom of the list.
This could be useful also for integration with BitBucket
I really appreciate your scheme, and I'll take inspiration from this. Maybe could be useful if someone share its settings (Bug types and bug status schemes) to allow others to take inspiration from others' workflows. :-)