Under review

Ability to open other type of ticket different from "bug"

Luca Detomi 11 years ago updated by Asobchak 9 years ago 5
In order to better organize tickets, could be possible to open other kinds of ticket. For example:
* Bugs
* Tasks
* Change Request
* Support
* Memo/note (for the future)
Under review
This will have to be part of a larger update that we will make once we've really mastered the "Bugs" side of things. :-)
Thanks! I hope very soon!!! :-)
Hi tech,
Just a clarification. I see that now is possible to customize "Bug Status" and "Bug Type" scheme. Especially the second one seems very similar to what I suggested one year ago but not completely the same thing.

You are still continuing to think to "bug" concept, infact a user could "Report a bug" that by default could have different type (functional, usability, text, ...) even if finally customizable.

It's perfect but in my opinion still not enough general. As you can see, I suggested to be able to open "tickets" not "bugs", because generally this kind of platform are very useful to track not only extraordinary tasks (such as bugs) but also ordinary ones like simple "memo", "to do things", etc.

So I suggest to replace button "Report bug" with "Report Ticket", then there should be possibility to set "ticket type" such as ones I wrote last year in my original question (obviously, now could be customizable also these).
After selected "ticket type", for example "bug", obviously selection of current "Bug type" (I would rename it "Context" in a more general way) could further specify if is a bug/ticket related to a functional topic, or usability one, or others....

What do you think about it?

I love the "ticket" idea where you could select bug, tasks, change requests, etc. like mentioned in the original. This would be greatly valuable to my project. I am hesitant to report things that are not actually a "bug". Selecting a "type" of bug just isn't the same thing as selecting a type of report or "ticket" that is being created.
