Under review

Sort Projects by name

Michael 'mital' Pedersen 10 years ago updated 9 years ago 3
The projects listed under the "Quick Access"-dropdown should be sorted by name.
Currently they seem to be sorted by creation order, which at some point becomes confusing (I know have eight project and beginning to feel the pain).
Under review
I have 30 - I agree :-)
I suggest to be able to sort them by drag&drop. While tickets could be hundreds and an automatic sort order by such criteria is more convenient, projects generally are 5-10 or 30 but is hard that this number could be greater. In this case is common that a user would like to group some of them (at least visually, but having possibility to have also sub-projects could be perfect) and/or have on top projects that were created in the past and would be aphabetically ath the bottom of the list.
Then I'd like to suggest a combination:
A "sort projects"-buttons leads to a new page where the user may drag/drop projects to reorder them.
The page also has a "sort alphabetically"-button which auto sorts the list.

Once the autosort feature has been used new projects will automatically sort alphabetically.
But as soon as you manually sort the list new projects are added to the top of the list.

This would account for those who want total control and those who want A-Z-style.
