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I would like to add same request for Test Plan title

Yep, suppose I have just implemented new feature to my product for example "multi language" or "Enterprise Account" so I will use custom tag as 'mulit-lang' or 'enterpise' for all test plans related to this feature.

(I will add this tag to new test plans created for the feature and update the previous with the new tag)

Later I would be able to access my test plans easily and filter them using this tag.

In general, I do "duplicate" test plan to easy create new one which has a similar test cases or info and do my modification or updates to new one. This is more fast and takes me less time. (e.g consider different roles or environmental conditions in the duplicated new test plan).

So I thing the same thing goes with your new version except if the "components" can provide these differentials between test plans,in this case in my opinion it will not be necessary to duplicate.

I'm very excited to your new version

It's will be easier if I could duplicate the test plan from test plan landing page. Any way I've submitted my suggestion here.
