
Adding "duplicate" and "delete" buttons to test plan landing page

zaher 8 years ago updated by tech 8 years ago 5

It's will be easier if I could duplicate the test plan from a control button inside test plan landing page, or delete it.

Consider the following:

I don't need to check the test plans list twice. when I need to delete a test plan I will check details of this plan in landing page to make sure that test plan no need any more. why I have to back to list and click on delete icon.

The same logic goes for the duplicate test plan.

We are actually re-building the test plan management aspect of Lean Testing entirely. Development is ongoing and expected to take 2 or 3 weeks (maybe 4 with testing.)

In this new version, we will only allow 1 test plan per project. While a test plan can have various "components", the idea is to not allow multiple versions of a test plan and instead to have only one always up-to-date version of a test plan.

What are your thoughts about this way of working?

In general, I do "duplicate" test plan to easy create new one which has a similar test cases or info and do my modification or updates to new one. This is more fast and takes me less time. (e.g consider different roles or environmental conditions in the duplicated new test plan).

So I thing the same thing goes with your new version except if the "components" can provide these differentials between test plans,in this case in my opinion it will not be necessary to duplicate.

I'm very excited to your new version

I'm hoping that this has been addressed properly by our update yesterday.