Under review

Add auto-complete custom tags to test plans

zaher 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

It will be very useful If I could add (non-predefined) tags to my test plans. With auto complete feauter, it will help to filter my test plans according to my tags

Under review

Interesting idea. What kind of tags did you have in mind? Can you tell me why you have multiple test plans? That would be useful for us to understand.

Yep, suppose I have just implemented new feature to my product for example "multi language" or "Enterprise Account" so I will use custom tag as 'mulit-lang' or 'enterpise' for all test plans related to this feature.

(I will add this tag to new test plans created for the feature and update the previous with the new tag)

Later I would be able to access my test plans easily and filter them using this tag.