You may request features in this forum. The feature requests that are upvoted most will be treated with a higher priority.

Lean testing does not save when I saved

Sibabalwe 7 year бұрын updated by tech 7 year бұрын 1

What happens it say saved the next time I open the test suit I see it is not saved the added statuses thereof

Under review

Clear Search filter on 'Clear all filters'

Joeri Stikvoort 7 year бұрын updated by tech 7 year бұрын 1

Currently using 'clear all filters' does not clear the searched term. It's annoyingly resilient to clears and page refreshes.

Not a bug

confirmation email not sent in my email and i cannot request anymore

Keith Samson 7 year бұрын updated by tech 7 year бұрын 1

registered months ago but haven't receive the confirmation email until now


Change account manager

armel tsanga 7 year бұрын жаңартылды 7 year бұрын 3

I create a organization with my mail and now i change my own position to developper et give a account manager to another.


Add status like Rejected, Ready for testing, Testing Failed, Tested OK etc

sara 7 year бұрын updated by tech 7 year бұрын 2


Add more status like Rejected, Ready for testing, Testing Failed, Tested OK etc.

If there is any option to add custom status please specify where/how to add custom status.


Under review

automatic reporter in filters

pasquale 7 year бұрын updated by tech 7 year бұрын 1


if i try to filter bugs in lean Testing, it always includes automatically the reporter filter with another user.

For example, i clear all filters, then select only "status: feedback", and when i press apply button, the search was made with "Status: Feedback" and "reporter: xxxxxxxx" filters.

Is this a known bug? there is a way to bypass that bug?

thank you


What are some components deletable, and some not?

shea 7 year бұрын жаңартылды 7 year бұрын 3

Also tester role has ability to delete components?

Under review

Add the ability to assign both IOS and Android devices to a bug

Walter Nolasco 7 year бұрын updated by Carmit 7 year бұрын 2

Right now for every bug created is only assigned 1 device (IOS or Android). A bug can happen in both OS. It could be great to assign in a bug more than 1 platform details. With this been done we discard creating 2 identical bugs with different platform details.


I have 2 organizations A and B, when I try to Add people to B, the recepient recieves and email stating A has invited them.

edsel 7 year бұрын updated by tech 7 year бұрын 2

Create issues on Github is not creating any new bug?

Jorge Grajales 7 year бұрын updated by tech 7 year бұрын 2

I was adding issues via remote but there is on update or creation of new bugs on my project. I just saw the webhooks generated with every update .Did I do something wrong?

I want to be sure because I am pushing to purchase all features but I need to do a demo on the integrations.

Thanks in advance.

tech 7 year бұрын

Hi Jorge,

Currently you can only change status of existing bugs using commit messages. You can't create new ones yet.

Be sure to specify on Lean Testing the branch you want to us to watch for commit messages.
