You may request features in this forum. The feature requests that are upvoted most will be treated with a higher priority.

Add feature for Time Tracking in Test Run

cope 7 years ago 0

Being able to get Time Spent in hours and minutes would be a great feature for Test Execution


Differentiate the bugs

Yathika Kamath 7 years ago 0

I am unable to differentiate the issues between "Open" and "Re-open".

It gets difficult to track the issues.


More options for bugs

Yathika Kamath 7 years ago 0

Need an option to show the issue as "Duplicate" / "Not a Bug"


You should be able to insert a new case below another without having to go to the bottom of the section.

Hugh Donaldson 7 years ago 0

You SHOULD be able to insert a new case below another without having to go to the bottom of a section.
This is not scalable with our project. We have over 1500 cases and will have many more coming. If you want to add a case directly below another one you have to scroll to the bottom of a section, add a case, and then drag AND scroll up to the area in which you no doubt have lost by now having to go to the bottom. With how much processing power this site needs, the scrolling can be laggy and highly frustrating to do this. 

It would be of great benefit for everyone if you added this functionality. I do no see how we can move forward with a project in the early stages using Lean Testing if it takes 10 minutes to create a new case that would take thirty seconds in a project management tool such as Trello.

Please feel free to look at the size of our project and just how frustrating this can be having to scroll down 300 cases to add a new case, only having to drag and scroll up one you have entered the new case whilst trying to find the location to insert.


Suggestion on multiple testers

Sibabalwe Mvelo 7 years ago 0

To be able to view other testers bugs and edit them and also create a testing group on the same suit..


Certificate issue

Werner Dweight 7 years ago updated by tech 7 years ago 1

Starting today, Chrome says that the certificate is expired and refuses to load any assets (so if I force the page to load, only plain HTML is shown - no CSS, no JS). The expiration date of the certificate seems to be 2017-04-22


How can I create a test run in which I can include test cases from different projects - components

Karthikm 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 1

If I had to do a regression testing on a compoment, I would like to include test cases that belong to other projects. Is this possible in lean testing?

Please let me know if there is a way to achieve this.

Thank you.


android sdk not working properly

Mina Michail 7 years ago updated by sub zero 7 years ago 1

I followed the steps to use the Android sdk, but I can't get further than the bug report form, as values in fields such as severity or priority are empty. As the form cannot be completed with mandatory values, it cannot be submitted. Did anyone manage to make this sdk work on android? Is there something more to configure than just what is listed in the documentation? It would really be a killer feature for our customers.


Bug list is not displaying

sumati 7 years ago 0
  • Desktop version. using Chrome.
  • Bug list is not populating.
  • In Dashboard view, I can view lists by status. "New" has 8 bugs. I click to view the list. List appears to populate, but at the bottom it says "0 out of 0 bugs". I can add a new bug but it will not appear in the list (but "New" bugs count in Dashboard updates properly)

This problem has been present for a few days. I tried updating my browser and clearing the cache, but still no luck. Even tested on different devices.