You may request features in this forum. The feature requests that are upvoted most will be treated with a higher priority.

what is the Proferance issue if i create non clusterd index without clusterd index?

RyanCaleb 6 years ago updated by st_shileva 6 years ago 1

Hi All,

I have very big table where we have 40000000 records. but don't have any Primary key  so i cannot create clusters index. i have integer type columns in this table but not unique data.

please suggest me how i have improve performance of my query, without clustered index

Please help.


I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.


infographic examples


How do I install SQL Source control in only one version of SQL Management Studio?

RyanCaleb 6 years ago updated by st_shileva 6 years ago 1


Because SQL Source Control is very slow (development databases are very very big), it's really holding up my development work. So I'd like to install it for SQL Management Studio 2014, but not SQL Management Studio 2017.

Is this possible?

Please help.


I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.


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Ishaq 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 0

Problem with nav bar and footer

RyanCaleb 7 years ago 0

Hello all,

My navigation bar and footer are misplaced and sized wrong and i dont know how to solve this. They should both be centered and have 90% width but at the moment the navigation bar is 100% width and the footer looks really messed up on my iPhone 6s Plus in landscape. Its in the bottom right corner and there is only a quarter of the footer visible.

Does anybody know how to solve this?

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

website builder software


Hi, i am developer new to this testing team. I need a little help to know more about this testing team

Iooio 7 years ago 0

Please help me out thanks in advance


Unable to remove filters

Dave Gallant 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 1

Using Firefox version 56.0.1, in the filter dialog. I have create filters, but I am unable to delete old filter. The "x" button does nothing.


Not able to view any bugs as Account Manager

rohit d 7 years ago 0

Not able to view any bugs as Account Manager



asma mahmoud 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

Does anyone know a way to download test cases and bugs?

testejoaojunior 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 0

The server is down. Ok.

But, does anyone know a way to download test cases and bugs?


I have marked a bug and linked the component. This is not showing on the export file

Simon Pritchard 7 years ago 0

Once adding a new bug. The component is not visible in the export file