You may request features in this forum. The feature requests that are upvoted most will be treated with a higher priority.
W trakcie analizy

Ability to type platform details

greenblack3000 9 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez tech 9 lat temu 2
I would like to have the ability to enter your own platform details for device type, model, OS, etc. This request is not same as the below request that the admin keeps pointing to for similar posts. The below post does not mention anything about platform details. The device list is not comprehensive, I can't find Galaxy S6 for example. Another example is not having MSI pc brand. Being able to enter you own platform details would prevent constant request to update device and OS list. Thanks.

Existing Post---Not similar to my request

Special characters like " ã õ ç are transformed to HTML in text fields

Alex HH 10 lat temu zaktualizowano 10 lat temu 3
I registered a few hours ago and everything has been awesome! Great job guys :)
I just found that for example:
 " becomes "
It happened in some "titles" and "steps", however this seems to happen randomly, maybe because of a particular character... I'm using the Portuguese keyboard that contains: ç º ª ´ ` ~ ^ " and ¨

Image aspect ratio

Andrei Melinte 10 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez tech 10 lat temu 2
The thumbnails preview of the image attachments of a bug have the wrong aspect ratio and it's a little annoying to see them like that.

A project should be able to be both mobile app and website, to apply the test plan templates on both

Marcus Hedberg 9 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez tech 8 lat temu 5
Currently, a project has to be one of 3 things, when in reality it can be 2 or all 3. Picking one means you cant select a test plan template for another project type (at least I havent found a way yet)

So what if I am working on a project which is both a website but also has an app?

Add "Assigned to" field under the Report bug icon on toolbar

Samar 9 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Eve 9 lat temu 3
I love the Report bug toolbar icon, but it doesn't have assigned to field, so after i capture and create the issue i have to go back to the tool and update the assigned to field.
To nie jest błąd

Number of projects

IJsbrand Kaper 10 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez tech 10 lat temu 2
I setup a project with user 1 and invited another (new user) as a client. When logged in as a client I can see the active project I created. However, when looking at Settings i see that I still have 0 'Number of projects'. I expected this to be set to 1.
W trakcie analizy

Brief description for (custom) "Bug Status"

Luca Detomi 9 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez tech 9 lat temu 1
I am very satisfied about possibility to enter custom "bug status". I suggest to be able to insert also a brief description for each one in order to explain/remember to new users what each status is intended for.

For example, in "Management pane" where I can customize color and name of each status, I should also add a brief description. Then, in "Bug detail", hovering a status in Select field will show a tooltip with this description that remember users what this particular status should indicate.

Invitation doesn't go to external user if I enter email and click on INVITE button.

Sumedh Deshmukh 10 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez tech 9 lat temu 4
Select the Project.
In the INVITE EXTERNAL USERS column if I enter Email and click on INVITE button, I dont receive any mail regarding Invitation.

test failed

John 9 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez tech 9 lat temu 3
If an issue is flagged as resolved, but fails the retest, it would be great if there was a status called "Failed Test". Currently I can only change it to New, or Feedback, but these are both misleading.

Overall - Fantastic tool!

Test Plan Management

Earl Francis 9 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez tech 9 lat temu 2
I really thing you guys should focus on the test plan ideology more than bugs... especially given that you already have export functionality for bugs. People could use another issue management software like JIRA or whatever.
It would be great as an intro, that you guys have some tips that would help people to develop "lean" test cases and show how your UI helps users to develop efficient test plans. I think its better that you focus on this angle especially given your name. It seems that your bug management is more developed than your test plan management. IMHO, It would be better if you prioritize test plan issues (like where's import, export for test plans?).