
A project should be able to be both mobile app and website, to apply the test plan templates on both

Marcus Hedberg 9 years ago updated by tech 8 years ago 5
Currently, a project has to be one of 3 things, when in reality it can be 2 or all 3. Picking one means you cant select a test plan template for another project type (at least I havent found a way yet)

So what if I am working on a project which is both a website but also has an app?
Under review
This is something that we have thought a lot about.

The problem is not assigning two project "types" to a project. The problem is the bug tracking aspect.

If you create a project in Lean Testing, automatically you have one bug base for this project, and you can create test plans for this project.

If your project is multiplatform - let's say, a website, an iOS app, and an Android app, you are most likely not going to log bugs for all these platforms in the same bug base (list of bugs) - that would quickly become a big, chaotic mess where you would have to filter extensively to figure out what bugs are related to what platform.

It would in fact be better to have 3 separate projects, one of the website, one for the iOS app, one for Android. This is our recommendation.

However if you feel strongly about this, and many others as well, we could change this.
Thanks for the quick response!

Actually, logging issues on different platforms is nothing new to me. I worked in the Video games industry with Triple-A titles, thats 5 platforms (with old/new gen consoles), where JIRA was the tool of choice. Seemed to work fine with the filtering.

Obviously I dont know what kind of tracker you are shooting for here, maybe a smaller, more user friendly tool is what you are aiming for and then I understand you dont want to make it too massive, and if the bug report templates change as well, then I understand (I just got started with this a couple of hours ago so I haven't explored all the features yet)

// M
Hey Marcus,

We are video games guys as well :-)

We definitely have seen the types of projects where the bug bases are a huge mix of bugs related to different platforms - but that's not to say that we would recommend it as good practice.

In specific cases, yes, I understand where you are coming from and 1 project for all makes sense.

But I think that our role as makers of this software is also to push for best practices. It's not always accepted and we've had to make a lot of changes over time to give users more flexibility (in the first version, all fields in a bug report were mandatory, with no possibility to modify that) - but I still care deeply about at least leaning towards good practices.

I really think that the best way to organize your testing efforts is 1 project = 1 platform.

But I have been wrong in the past, so I'm leaving the door open :-)


We eliminated project type.