Add import of CSV to bugtracker
It would be good to have the ability to import a CSV file to the bugtracker to help with migrating from another bugtracker (mantis).
Add tags to test cases
Add possibility to assign tags to test cases, allowing test cases to be part of multiple groups instead of just their 'component'.
The ability to store and link requirments to test cases.
I currently have 90 processes which I want to link my test cases to. These could also been seen as requirements.
There is a 30 character limit on the components which is also too limiting. I could have used the component for the requirement heading as a work around.
implement Notification system like facebook
I'd like to see notification system of leantesting instead email notification.
so I can see all notification inside leantesting for example if someone annotate me, assign a task, etc..
Review & approval process of Test cases by BA & Assigning Tesr case execution task to any (tester/dev/pm etc. users)
After Test case development their should be a way by which BA/PM should be able to review & approve/reject the cases
Lean testing should have ability to Assign Test case execution to any user (Tester/Dev/BA/PM/Client) should
linked And OR Child bugs
considered the option of having linked bugs built in rather than #999?
or maybe have the option to create child/parent bugs
I know you can use components and tags, but linking bugs together or creating child bugs from a parent would be a great way to link bugs together quickly
Show product in bug details
I submitted a new bug today, my developer asked which product it was associated with. I checked the bug details and nowhere does it say the product name. We have a couple products in lean testing, so not knowing which product the bug goes with is frustrating.
Test run editing
If more than one tester is working on a test run, can we all have access to the same run, same testrun_1 to add our test cases?
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