You may request features in this forum. The feature requests that are upvoted most will be treated with a higher priority.
Under review

Let change status be a visible dropdown. Right now it looks like simple text.

able101 9 years ago updated by tech 9 years ago 2

Let change status be a visible dropdown else we are being made to do two clicks as compared to one in the previous version. One click to highlight or show the dropdown and the second to select. The title above which indicates that this text is "actually" a drop down can be easily ignored by the eye while working quickly. If one has to look at text to just figure out if a drop down is a drop down this is NOT COOL. This impedes UX a bit while working on a lot of bugs. Please consider fixing this. thanks

Searching answer

Fixed in version

Elena 9 years ago updated by patilsm 7 years ago 5


I am not able to understand with which logic the "fixed in version" dropdown appears.

I'd like to set it in one of the statuses I defined.

Thank you.

Under review

Copy Paste Sceen Shots

Prat Desai 9 years ago updated by tech 9 years ago 1

Can you provide the ability to copy paste screen shots directly onto the bug instead of attaching a file? Attaching a file involves saving it and them attaching it either by file selection or drag and drop which is quite simple........However some of our staff tend to copy paste the screen shot into a separate email outside of LT and send it to the concerned party, which defeats the purpose of using the tool.

Under review

Error type problem When upload selenium IDE

test 9 years ago updated by tech 9 years ago 1

For fail upload testcase via selenium ide it should be display error type with description..

Under review

A dark theme

jack wilkinson 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 2

The light theme is too bright, a dark theme would be good.


[ADD BUG] change order or componets & status

Adrian Kimmitt 9 years ago updated by tech 9 years ago 3

While you do not have the ability to sort the components or status, at least make them alphabetical by default. Then we can rename them to change the order


option to reopen a bug

Eldo John 9 years ago updated by tech 9 years ago 3

An option to reopen an already existing bug would ease out the process of reporting the bug again


Bitbucket include the link of commit.

zaher 9 years ago updated by tech 9 years ago 1

Thanks for Bitbucket integration,

I would like if you could add the link of the commit as post inside the the bug, with full comment of the commit.

Under review

Custom fields

Marie-Claude 10 years ago updated by tech 9 years ago 3
Once a month I return here to see the progress of Damnbugs and its new features. I was curious to see the development of the ''TAGS'' section. It seems really great, but I still have a question about that.

I'm working for an elearning company. The bug tracker we are currently working with allow us to create different custom field (String, list, checkbox, numeric, drop-down menu).

For exemple, we have a ''Departement ID'' that allow us to select from a drop down menu the departement that are responsible of the issue. (Production, programmation, Pedagogy...)

We also have a string custom field that allow us to write the screen number where the issue was found. We often have 100 screens projects, so it would be hard to put them into the 'tags' section. We also need to see the screen number (and some of our other custom field content) in the bug list table.


Allow a user to terminate a test if a step is blocking

Kelvin Kroll 9 years ago updated by tech 9 years ago 3

If there is a status of could not test (or preferably "blocking") then a test can be terminated without needing to perform the rest of the steps (while still recording the previous test). When this occurs the test is reset to "start" rather than resume.