Your comments

Just exported all my bug reports as a CSV file this morning.

Have to echo the other comments about how sad this is. I had only recently discovered Lean Testing and had been singing its praises and had introduced it at work over the last couple of weeks. I was truly impressed with the clear, intuitive user interface and had spent some time transferring bugs over from spreadsheets into your app. Now though, it's not looking worthwhile investing more time on an unsupported product, so I guess I'll be exporting those bugs into something else (probably Freshdesk) next week. Thanks for all your efforts though and best wishes for your future endeavours.

Thanks, testejoaojunior!  That would be a shame, as I've only just discovered Lean Testing and its intuitive and clean interface is just what I was looking for. If it is no longer supported, I may have to go down the Bugzilla + Testopia route.

I was going to post the same request.  Having experimented with the app for only a couple of days, I have been very impressed so far, but with the one significant limitation that the "Expected Result" field can only be completed at the test case level, whereas most commercial test management programs (HP's QC/ALM etc.) allow an expected result to be defined after each test step. The only workaround at present is to include the expected result along with the steps to execute instruction. If you could allow an expected result against each test step that woule be a huge improvement and would bring Lean Testing in line with most commercial test management tools.

Please ignore - I've found how to do it now! (Via Your organisation/Required fields in bug reports).