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It's the URL you can enter for the starting point for a test plan.
For what it's worth I actually went and looked up the meanings of your standard status' and I think you actually have it about right in the sense that you can do what you need to do (though I understand people's want for their own status') but having a community using the same status all around is rather nice. Two things I have noticed though are:
1. For resolved, it seems common practice to have multiple types of resolved (i.e. fixed, duplicate, no change required etc.), but I can all see an argument for saying that the extra info could go in as a comment.
2. The other thing I notice is that you can have a bug type of suggestion, that's effectively what this whole knowledge base is for and you use status' of planned, under review, declined, completed etc. Surely it makes sense to offer those as status' (even if it's just for when the suggestion type is selected). Just a thought.