
Different look of Bugs list

Luca Detomi fa 10 anys updated by tech fa 9 anys 6
Hi tech,
I would like to suggest a slightly different look for Bugs list, in order to highlight some information on others.
1) First of all, in my opinion is all too much "textual" and consequently, too much "indifferent". What do you think about possibility to replace string text of "Severity" column, with an icon indication such as in Jira? An icon could immediately indicate what tickets have high priority (maybe also "immediate" or "blocking") above others
2) Could be very useful having possibility to customize order and number of columns displayed. Maybe some users are not interested in "Created" and "Section" columns but could be interested to see "Reporter" beside "Assignee"
Yep, these are really good suggestions, things we have thought about.

Has there been any progress with these? I want to remove unused columns they are cluttering up my view, also view severity as a colour coded marker or icon rather than text.

And to add to this, I would also like status to be colour coded icon rather than text.

We've made some significant changes to this and will keep improving.