
Copy Bug Status Scheme

RDuff 9 years ago updated by tech 9 years ago 3

We started a new project to track bugs found during a regression test cycle. Over 30 bugs were entered. I decided that we needed to use the bug status scheme from another project, so I copied it over to this new project. However, after doing so, all bugs listed in the project do not display any color. And the bug that is selected in the list displays nothing in the list. Here is a screenshot.

Image 93

Notice the 2nd bug in the list shows no detail at all - this is the bug that was selected. Also notice that the remaining bugs below this one is not displaying any color for the severity of the bug. Only new bugs will display color according to severity and not blank out when selected. All bugs prior to the copying of the bug status scheme have a display issue.

Under review

We are looking into it.

Try manually selecting colors just to see?



We've got a fix, will be released soon.