Not a bug

Switch back to non-beta version

AJM 9 years ago updated by tech 9 years ago 5

The button to switch back to non-beta version appears to be gone. None of our employees have been trained on the new system so we've got a lot of confusion. Is there a way to switch back to the non-beta version?

beta version is so bad!!

Not a bug


It's impossible to go back to the previous version because there are significant changes that have been made to the core logic of the app. As a result, the loading speed of the site is much, much faster and there were at least 15 major improvements added in the update.

It takes a little bit of getting used to, but the new version is much more efficient than the previous version, I'm confident that you'll see that.

If there's any specific feedback that we can address for you, we'll be happy to do so.




Our main issue is that there was zero communication from the LeanTesting team that this forced rollout would be happening so we weren't prepared on our end to get all of our employees up to speed. If you are going to force a beta on companies using your product, then the right thing to do is to be transparent about it. I know to you guys it seems much better but there is a big productivity drop for many of your customers whenever an interface changes. People get used to things and changes should be accompanied by training sessions. We always host training sessions with our employees to review any interface changes once we know an upgrade is coming. If we just wake up one day and all of a sudden everyone is forced onto the beta version with no way to return to the interface they are familiar with, those of us who have to support those people are going to have a rough day.



I completely agree with you and I apologize about the absence of a general notification sent to all users. For regular updates, I recommend that you follow us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/damnbugs) as we frequently post updates about our work there.

Ultimately, the main aspect of Lean Testing that has changed in terms of look and feel is the bug tracker. The Test Suite tool is the same (though the graphics have improved) and all of the other features function exactly as they did before.

And - again, I completely agree with you, and we're working pretty much around the clock to improve the usability - but I do think that at the end of the day, a bug tracker is a bug tracker. It's not like we made the bug tracker into a Pokemon game overnight.

If someone understands the concept of reporting a bug, browsing and filtering a bug list, and updating statuses, the new version shouldn't be totally foreign to them. The layout of the bug details view has not changed, only now you can edit bugs directly on the page without having to go to another page.

The filters are the same in the bug list, and the sorting options have been improved. We've made it easier to go from Bug A to Bug B without having to go to 3 different pages, which was a highly requested improvement.

We've also added keyboard shortcuts that your programming team will certainly appreciate.

Right now we're working quickly to address the suggestions that we've received, but in the near future we'll put together some sort of detailed documentation about the update and the many new features.

If there's anything that we can do to make Lean Testing more efficient for your team, please don't hesitate to let us know, we'll be happy to address it and we're publishing several updates a day at this point.




We released an update to bring back a bug list that ressembles more closely the previous version. Hopefully your team will like it.
