
What is sections used for?

Niklas Olsson 9 jaar geleden bijgewerkt 9 jaar geleden 5
You quite recently added the ability to select sections for a bug and the possibility to add and remove your own sections. Sounds very good, but where are the sections used?

I use the sections for "Bugs, Todo, Changes" etc but I cant see the tickets getting sectioned somewhere?
Under review
Sections can be used for whatever you want - "Bugs, Todo, Changes" as you use it, or any other method of filtering items that companies might use. In fact, we'll be renaming this function to "Tags" soon.

Right now you can't filter by Sections in the main list view of bugs but that will be changing in the major update that we'll be rolling out next week.


Hi, and thanks for the answer.
I feel a bit stupid, but i cannot find a way to filter by sections.
I just wait for you update next week :)
Now I feel even more stupid when i read your reply again. As you said "Right now you can't filter by Sections". Sorry 'bout that :S