
Make option to report a bug that is similar to already reported (merge 2 reports maybe)

Dominik Hrastnik 11 years ago updated by tech 9 years ago 6
If i report a bug that someone else already reported, anyone should be able to reference the new bug report to the old bug report.... makes it easier to track duplicates
Maybe "mutual link" between each similar ticket could be enough, leaving them distinct, but clearly linked at a logical way.
Yes something like that. Or even some kind of merge option, allowing changes/additions to the first bug report and then deleting the second one as you get rid of the clutter that way...
I agree! ;-) My suggestion derived from my experience on Jira tool, that treat these cases with a "link" :-)
Under review
Guys, you can link to another bug simply by typing: #(bug number), ex: #123 it will create a link! This only works in the comments however.
thx, but would be good if its also a reporting function, like a flag on youtube