
Link to a Bug from Slack chat

Luca Detomi 10 ár síðan Uppfært 9 ár síðan 6
Could be very useful if writing something like:
"Please, look at task #12345 that has a very high priority".
in a Slack chat between two or more people, it will automatically create a link clicking on "#12345" and relative bug in DamnBugs.

If I correctly understood, for now integration is only one-side, from DamnBugs to Slack and not viceversa.
Am I correct?
Right now it's just one-sided, yes. We were waiting for suggestions on how it can be improved, like this :-)
Hi tech,
Any news about this topic? So bi-directional data flows from/to Slack? :-)

Hi tech,

Please...... :-)


Hi tech,

Additionally to this original question, today Slack has introduced a new feature "Buttons" (https://slackhq.com/get-more-done-with-message-buttons-5fa5b283a59#.6d8gdg75q) that allows to make some tasks directly from chat. Integration with LeanTesting could allow to change status of a ticket from Slack.

Can you consider both request? My original one and this?