
is it possible to manage right for profiles?

christophe michel 11 years ago updated by tech 8 years ago 8
i'd like to avoid clients or testers edit bugs reported by other : for example clients does not have to change status of reported bugs by developpers.
it seems users permissions have no effect
Hi Christophe, 

User permissions have some effect, mostly pertaining to project creation and management.

Initially we didn't want to limit what users can do, because some companies have clients who are actively involved in testing and reporting bugs.

However, this is something we've considered doing and will be rolling out these next few weeks.


I agree with the initial post. It is necessary to be able to block certain user roles from editing or changing or even viewing defects. I am planning to use LeanTesting for crow sourced testing and I do not want other testers to see or edit other bugs. There should be an option to allow or deny other testers the ability to see or edit bugs. Thanks.
Would be very useful to define different visibility rights on bugs by role, in particular for the lower three. I try to explain me better:
  • Developer: he can see all the bugs
  • Tester: I mean that this kind of user is inside the organisation and so I can think that he is able to see all the bug, but may be only the open ones.
  • Client: this kind of user is outside the company and so I would prefer that he is able to see ONLY his bugs or some specific bugs that the admin (or the product manager) signs as "public"
At your disposal for further information

This is the only feature (currently) I'm really missing - I prefer testers not to be able to see other tester's bugs because they can just duplicate other testers bugs instead of doing actual tests..
Please add this.

We've just released "Advanced Permissions" that can be found in the Organization Settings. It's a big + sensitive module so be nice guys!