
Add custom fields to bug reports

Eric Bergeron 10 years ago updated by Charles Wood 10 years ago 4
One thing that prevents me from saying this tool is perfect is the fact that I can't add custom fields to the bug reports.

For each projects, the fields could be different.

Per example, we usually specify which section of our website has a bug or improvement request.

Right now, the only way is to enter it manually in the description or title.

There should be a way to add subcategories that we can select from when we add a new bug.

Under review
We've just added "Project sections" in "Project Management" and will be evolving it to become "tags" quickly.
Thanks for the followup!

Will check it out.
I think custom fields would be very useful. This would allow people to add their own "Fixed in version", "Project section", and anything else they wanted instead of everybody having to have all of those fields.