Not a bug

Bad Ticket link in notification comments

Luca Detomi 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 4
I think that there are some bugs involving Tickets' link on notifications and realt path of each ticket.

For example, in my notifications I found one that refer me to the following link to see details:

but it gives me 404 page.

But Ticket #14 in "Tabor" project exist, but open it directly in browser has the following url:

Is it possible that you had moved this particular bug to/from another project after receiving the notification?

Hi Simon, could be possible, because as I told you in another thread, I use to move to another project called "Completed Tasks", tickets already solved.Anyway, in this case something seems strange. As I wrote, ticket #14 exist in the project, but one linked by notification (with the same #) is unreachable. So, in my opinion if problem could be movement of original task #14 to another project, it should be always unreachable, both from notification link and from task list.
What am I missing? :-)

Thank you.