Under review

"Report bug" for non-logged in users when they're testing

Ben Cheng 10 years ago updated by Yossi Ben Haroosh 10 years ago 3
It would be great if we can let non-logged in tester, when they test from the short url, they can input the report bug form instead of just leaving comments.
Under review
We discussed this. The issue is that there would be no way of identifying who reported a bug. There would have to be a generic account "Anonymous user" and all bugs created through this mechanism would be associated to this account.

Isn't it important for you to know who reported an issue?
Actually not really. Since we will only send the short URL to the tester we designated. Usually that is 2 - 3 people at the same time.

Or we can let them just input any name / log in optionally.

It is just much easier to send a URL for a remote tester compare with ask them to login and then click the right test plan.
From my expreience , since registration is free, my testers don't mind registering. I think the current functionality is OK - if you want testers to open bugs, ask them to register. It also gives the tester a more 'personal' touch..