
Any Response on email issue? Project dead?

thomas baune 7 years ago updated by Mojoceratops Meyers 7 years ago 8

Has anyone received any response from LeanTesting or CrowdsourcedTesting regardoing the Email issue? We Have not received ANY response. Is the project still alive?

We have the same issue, for some days now and still waititng for an answer :/

Likewise. Dear Lean Testing team, PLEASE respond ASAP. 


It is impossible to register a new user, do not receive confirmation letters

same shit here, interesting

Thanks for fixing, team LT!



Mine is not fixed. I can't send emails....not on invites, not on bug fixes. this is disturbing...andi've sent half a dozen emails and reached out to anyone I can for assistance, even called the number on the reciept...nada...please help