You may request features in this forum. The feature requests that are upvoted most will be treated with a higher priority.

For external users, Invitation mails are not getting received and also for signup process not getting any verification mails., Please resolve this and help me to proceed.​

Sasinandhu 7 років тому оновлено Bobino 5 років тому 4

For external users, Invitation mails are not getting received and also for signup process not getting any verification mails., Please resolve this and help me to proceed.


external user invitation does not go through

bruno tavares 7 років тому оновлено tech 7 років тому 2

Can not start new test run

Kevin Cheng 7 років тому оновлено tech 7 років тому 3

I can not start a new test run now..

It just shows an error message "And error occurred while starting your test run!" and without any detail...


error on creating test run

Jennifer Santos 7 років тому оновлено brownla 7 років тому 3

I was not able to create test run on my projects. How can I solve this? Kindly help me.


activation email not send

GiovaniLeiteVitor 7 років тому оновлено Kieran Desmond 4 роки тому 10

Recently i added another users into my project, however, these new users are not receiving an activation code on your emails.

Could you please confirm if there is a limit of users into this tool??


server issue - reg

vaigaieorchids 7 років тому оновлений 7 років тому 2

hi i faced server issue while click "forgot password" and while creating the user activation mail is not received so users are can't open the application so please fix the issue.


Add test cases to a test run

Dat Nguyen 7 років тому оновлено Vadeem Guyduke 6 років тому 2

Hi, when I'm running a test run, if I have some new test cases, how can I add them to the current test run? Thanks!

Under review

An option to allow anonymous bug reports would be nice :)

Mathiask1 7 років тому оновлено tech 7 років тому 1

Basically if you want the general public of your project to be able to report bugs, then people could be discouraged if they had to register and login first...


Redmine integration

ht_web1 7 років тому оновлено tech 7 років тому 1


Would it be possible to have an integration of your tool with Redmine, meaning being able to push issues directly to redmine while executing a Test Run ?

The possibility to retrieve the issues from Redmine would be a plus.

We need this feature and would be ready to pay something for it.

Kind regards

Under review

Create progress bar in percentage in buglist to show how bug resolve is advanced in time

2ray 7 років тому оновлено tech 7 років тому 2