You may request features in this forum. The feature requests that are upvoted most will be treated with a higher priority.

multiple test suites

denys shynkarenko 8 years ago updated by shea 8 years ago 2

is there ability to create multiple test suites?

so I can create for example smoke test suite, generic test suite and add remove tests to it on regular basis

is there any way to do this in application currently?


Is there any possibility to filter bugs by criteria "commented"?

rene broo 8 years ago updated by tech 8 years ago 2

Can I filter my existing bugs by the criteria if someone commented on it? In particular, I received a notification by email and now I would like to see a list of all my bugs that got a comment on it by my mate. Is this possible?
Thanks in advance


When is the expected release of the latest version?

bhanupriyasingh72 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 3

Also please let me know the current version of the lean testing tool?

Under review

Project does not gets loaded when the user tries to report bug instantly using the chrome extension

bhanupriyasingh72 8 years ago updated by tech 8 years ago 1

1. After adding the Chrome extension when the user clicks on submit snapshot, the project, project component and version does not gets loaded. And also the msg gets displayed that there areno projects to report bugs on.
2. Also when the user clicks on the project link, the system redirects the user to a blank page.


Is there any Limitations on creating maximum number of components under one project??

bhanupriyasingh72 8 years ago updated by tech 8 years ago 1

Do we also have an Integration with JIRA ?

bhanupriyasingh72 8 years ago updated by tech 8 years ago 1
Under review

Error when deactivating and activating a user in the email integration

Bogdan 8 years ago updated by tech 8 years ago 1

Hi there,

I have purchased the Email Notifications Integration and managed to successfully activate the extra emails for all team members. But then I deactivated myself and I can't reactivate my account. I removed myself by clicking on the green switch in the right side of my name. I tried to reactivate my account by clicking on the same switch, which is grey now, because it's not active. It turned to green and I got the message "An error occurred. Please contact support". While it turned green, the other switches are still grey so I can't activate them. I would appreciate some help with this, thank you. The account is registered on the same email address as this one.

Under review

How to set up the email activity with the Pro Feature that I purchased?

Bogdan 8 years ago updated by Larissa Veiga 8 years ago 3

Hi there,

I purchased the email activity add-on but I can't find where to go to set it up. The knowledge base is empty and I ran out of places to look in.


Please add support for a text editor to color and apply style to text in description and expected results for the bug report

Justin Dominic 8 years ago updated by tech 8 years ago 1

I really am adding all my bugs in Expected results by numbering but i have no way to highlight text.

Please add text editor support to highlight and color the text inside expected results box for converying information better

tech 8 years ago

Hi Justin,

Lean Testing currently supports Markdown styling on most parts of the system. For more info check our blog post.

Under review

Please provide search bar be header for bug search

Talib Shaikh 8 years ago updated by tech 8 years ago 1

It is difficult to go to a bug when one have multiple projects with multiple bugs. Browsing is pain staking.