You may request features in this forum. The feature requests that are upvoted most will be treated with a higher priority.

Make Bug Nr in Email notifications and buglist the same

John Doe fa 10 anys updated by tech fa 9 anys 2
In the buglist it's like "EAB2-20" and in the email it's "#20".
I think it's better to change it to #20

Is there any way to move bugs to other project in a batch?

Joyz fa 9 anys actualitzat fa 9 anys 3

Remove column from sorting

Charles Wood fa 9 anys updated by tech fa 8 anys 2

The multi-sort is pretty neat! But now I can't seem to remove a column from the sort order, so I am stuck with it until whatever cookie remembers my settings expires. It would be great to be able to remove columns from the sorting order, or at least reset sorting to default.


Not a bug

Lean Testing?

John Doe fa 10 anys actualitzat fa 10 anys 5
Feedback button links not working. They go to

Why changed the name to Lean Testing?

Automatic browser selection when starting test

John Doe fa 10 anys updated by tech fa 10 anys 2
Now you need to select your browser. It would be easier when it's detected automaticly.

API & PHP help

Erik Madison fa 9 anys actualitzat fa 9 anys 5
Reading the API, I am embarrassingly lost. I could really use some stub code to get me started...
Currently, from within my mobile app, I allow my users to jot down noticed bugs and I send it off to a php page that just makes a list for me. I'd like to have my php instead send these to Lean Testing and add them to my project. I know how/where to get the various info I need, but I'm confused as to what format exactly I'm using to do the final send.
Under review

During multiple update, the project stats is not changing

Meena fa 10 anys updated by tech fa 10 anys 1
When i do multiple update the project stats number is not changing,however the bottom section of bugs does change.
eg: change the bug status from acknowledge to resolved

Field customization

Silvano Degani fa 10 anys updated by tech fa 10 anys 2
I like the tool very much and I'd like to use it for tracking bugs on every software and firmware development in my Company.

It would be very helpful to have the possibility to customize some fields in order to be more "sticky" to the project:
  • project type
  • platform details
    • device type
    • model
  • Bug status (add, rename or delete few steps)
Also, on the Test Plan side it would be great to customize the test case layout: in our company for instance, we describe a test case with 4 fields (besides the name or case-ID):
  • Goal (the objectvie of the test)
  • Pre-conditions (how to set up the environment in order to do the test)
  • Trigger (action to be done to start test execution: i.e. press the button, force the Digital Input, ...)
  • Expected result
Your feedback will be very welcome!

Best regards,


Luca Detomi fa 10 anys updated by tech fa 10 anys 2
I received email announcing Overlook release. I did not understand if is integrated with Bugtrack, so could be possible to share same accounts, or is a totally separated project.

Thank you.

Dutch translation

John Doe fa 10 anys actualitzat fa 10 anys 7
Damnbugs in Dutch language